Welcome to the website of the Sussex Radio Flying Club (SRFC)

The club has been in existence for over 50 years. At the heart of it are the three excellent flying sites devoted to the various branches of our hobby. The strength of the club is in the membership, who are happy to share their experience and help others with training, support, competitions and trips to museums and other aircraft related venues. Monthly club meetings offer lectures, fly-ins and barbeques. It is underpinned by an active committee and excellent communications.

The “Flypaper” newsletter is published quarterly, to professional standards. There is no better way of seeing the varied activities of the club than by taking a look at the October 2024 edition: October 2024. It is packed with reports, giving ideas and inspiration.

The club manages several WhatsApp groups, to suit various interests. Members can ask to join any that suit them. In the words of a past Chairman “It is the club’s firm intention that new members are made to feel welcome and included from Day One and, apart from attending our indoor and outdoor meetings, there is no better way of becoming involved than joining and contributing to one of the WhatsApp groups. Apart from knowing who is flying, where and when, the groups provide a whole raft of support, help and encouragement.”
Follow this link to learn more about the groups.

The club has a Facebook group providing another source of companionship and inspiration. You can search for Sussex Radio Flying Club or use this link SRFC Facebook group

Flying sites
Our main flying site for fixed wing models (power models and electric gliders) is at Coombes, on the top of the South Downs between Worthing and Steyning and we have additional sites at Poling and Ashurst dedicated to helicopters and gliding respectively. Their locations can be found here at SRFC flying sites. The Coombes and Poling sites are able to be used throughout the year. Coombes, being on top of the South Downs, has good drainage hence it doesn’t suffer from problems of access due to getting boggy but it can be windy. From the Coombes there are great views all around with Brighton to the east, Cissbury Ring to the west and the English Channel to the south.

From mid-April to mid-September the club runs competitions for power models and for electric self launched gliders and once a month the gliding fraternity try to get together for a day of gliding and a friendly competition. Our members have always regularly competed in local, National and International Competitions and include the 2018 British National F4C Scale Champion.

Training can be provided by club instructors, though the numbers of trainees is limited by the number of instructors and people in training, so if you are a novice or need further training or if you are already a flier and want to join the club please contact our membership secretary using the Contact page.

Slope soaring
Club members have access to many slope soaring sites along the South Downs the majority being either west or north facing: NB the sites are not controlled by SRFC.

Upcoming Events